
Sunday, September 2, 2012

PLDT myDSL and Nuffnang bring you “Resident Evil: Retribution”

Few months ago, there was this video from Derek entitled "Anna Banana" that hits 1.5 million to date.  The first time I saw it, I just said to myself "wow that was tough!"  And I was really expecting that Anna would finally give her sweet "yes" to him.

Now, this is Anna's reply to Derek:

That was tougher!

Heartbreaks was a tough experience.  It was a painful one that would make you upset, and even cry.  But the good news about it?  Derek's family were really that supportive to him during these times:

Derek, don't be upset. Rejection is just a part of life. And when you have overcome it, I am sure you will be tougher in the future in dealing with life.  Cheer up! You are young, good-looking and talented!  I know that there were a lot of girls out there that would appreciate you. In fact, I will be very happy to help you out there by announcing these on my blog:

Hi Girls! Be Derek's Next Anna by going to All you have to do is submit a video entry on why you should be Derek’s new Anna! If you win, you'll be part of the next PLDT myDSL commercial and also take home a Samsung Ultrabook!

Who knows you might be Derek's new girl!  If you are a girl, 12-16 years of age, you have the looks and the guts, what are you waiting for? Join now and shoot your video! You may also get this chance to appear in the next TV Commercial of PLDT MyDSL! Isn't it great?

Btw, thanks to Nuffnang and PLDT MyDSL for this awesome contest for a chance to be a part of this movie screening RESIDENT EVIL: RETRIBUTION!

Crossing my fingers to be included as one of the 30 Nuffnangers to get a chance to watch this movie screening + lazy boy seats + unlimited popcorn and sodas on September 12, 2012.

Calling my fairy God mother! Yuhoo!

'Til then.
