
Thursday, July 7, 2011


Economic crisis, famine, incurable diseases, food and water shortage...all of these we're just a "few" of what the whole world is facing.  In our country, it even gets worst as time passes by.  This is a call for a CHANGE, little actions that begins within ourselves.  It doesn't have to be big, it can really be simple.  Before we know it, that one becomes two, that two becomes four.....and then before we know it, problem has been almost solved.

That's the reason why lately, I have been a GREEN ADVOCATE (see my other blog posts) for I knew that it will be a help to save our Mother earth. Being a user of earth-friendly things is indeed wise, for it could save all of us.  

Now as prices are getting higher, all the commodities, I need to tighten my belt and look for alternatives, without causing harm to anybody.  Saving doesn't mean you need to buy "SUB-STANDARD" items, things or appliances, but instead, SAVING means "WISE-SPENDING."

What is WISE-SPENDING?  It is simply SAVING. You spend what you really need without sacrificing the things you want.  In these times of crisis, as electricity and water shortage is at hand, we need to spend wisely to save.  So instead of buying those old models of analog TVs for a lower cost (but emits radiations and adds carbon prints to the environment), why not buy a TV with energy-saving features?  It may sound a bit "costly" but the long-term effect makes the difference.

So timely I saw this OTTO Waterless Urinal - by Arrow Home Improvement Facebook Fan page and I learned that they are supporting a GREENER environment that can really help me save!  Established by Mr. Jerry Ong, Arrow Home Improvement was a company dedicated to personal service and fair prices.  On a country who is experiencing limited water for these past few years, having such an eco-mind & innovation is great. First in the Philippines, this European technology developed and shared selflessly can save not only me, but these can save a lot of people!  

Now, getting back to the issue, water problem is one of the major dilemma here and abroad.  Like a cancer that seems to be incurable, it varies from the following:
-water shortage
-water supply bills
-unclean/unsafe drinking water
-leaking water pipes

This year, water shortage in the country is believed to worsen: 
Photo courtesy of

San Miguel Corporation President Mr. Ang said on an interview with The Philippine Daily Inquirer, "We may run out of water in the near future.  All it takes is for one earthquake to damage Angat Dam" (Source: For a country surrounded by water, it is quite ironic for the Philippines to be threatened by water scarcity. Scary huh?!?

Water is the most precious natural resource on Earth. Therefore, it is then a moral imperative to preserve it for our future survival. On the contrary, this precious resource seems to be carelessly used by a lot of people in the urban. People tends to contribute without really being aware of it. Imagine how many people uses toilet flush a day...this is the most frequent activity done inside a comfort room.  Every flush consumes 5 to 7.5 gallons of water! (depends on the type of toilet bowl, for older types uses more). That's nearly 40% of water consumed a day!  Come to think of it, a lot of Filipinos in the rural and remote areas we're having water scarcity.
On my case, using the comfort room is the very first thing I do every morning and my last stopover before going to bed. I frequently pee, around 8 to 10 times a day.  That's a lot of flushing! (which is proven an epic fail in terms of SAVING)

Hubby and I decided to do something about it.  We tried innovating our toilet bowl by putting a plastic bottle filled with water  (preferably 1.5 liter soda bottles).  In this way, we can save 1.5 liters per flush activity, for toilets only need 4 gallons at most to get a good, clean flush.  
Cistern photo courtesy of Squidoo

Photo courtesy of Green School Resources
(Hippo Bag as a water-saving device as a part of their campaign:

But on our home, sad to say, that's not enough because of some existing problems on the cistern.  I hate foul and stinky toilets, so I am left with no choice but to use a flush every time I pee.

As I go along on Arrow Home Improvement Website, I started to see these pictures with the slogan "Waterless is more."  At that very moment, I am really troubled on our own toilet bowl...I wonder what will our dog think when she saw our toilet bowl for she thinks it's kinda drinking water station (because it's water is free-flowing every time the flush is used incorrectly).

As you can see, these are the common problems of a toilet bowl...damaged stopper that causes the water flow continuously.

Arrow did it well!  They have these ARROW WATER SAVER (The Economical Model) that uses the technology of 4/2 Dual flushing system.  It has the following amazing features:

For sure our water bill will be half lower than before if we are going to use it.  That's a lot of savings!

Another product that stands out is the WATERLESS URINAL.  

An Earth friendly Urinal
(Market selling price:  P8200.00 complete with all the fittings , rubber bushings, key, bracket and 250 ml OTTO lock sealant)

OTTO waterless urinals have been specifically engineered to function without water. The European design of the urinal is very simple and efficient. Unlike other urinals, OTTO waterless urinal does not require expensive and proprietary cartridges, bladders, inserts, siphons, mechanical parts, microbial blocks or deodorizing tablets. It delivers the lowest long term cost of ownership and value for money.  

High quality finish and modern clean European design, this urinal is ceramic made and white in color. It is best and suitable for commercial offices, restaurants, hotels, pubs & clubs. 

The urinal’s cartridge is made cheaper and Re-usable (unlike the one used in hotels & restaurants which are disposable). That will really save our money for good.  Imagine, 45,000 gallons of water per year can be no need to buy those disposable cartridges. And ever wonder if it will stink? 

Nah. it comes with an OTTOLOCK: it is a biodegradable odor locking fluid poured into the water trap that floats on the surface of the urine which creates a perfect seal.  No more stinky & foul urine & waste sewers' odors. 
Photo courtesy of  My Very Worst Roommate

That's what I am pointing out before. SAVING means SPENDING WISELY on the things needed, like urinals for public  places and even on your very own home. And mind you, not all waterless urinals are the same.  Always look for a Proudly Pinoy made waterless urinal:  OTTO.  Teehee!

Proudly Pinoy!

Spending on these WATERLESS URINALS is worth trying:

-re-usable cartridge technology
-Biodegradable blocking fluid
-cylinder housing
-optimized interior design

-easy to clean

-no flush bulb repairs

What more can I ask for?  This is really genius!

Oh sorry for that.  I was wrong when I said it.  There is still one thing that I needed to ask more: our government should spend on these kind of technologies and put up waterless urinals on public toilets all over the country.  That's 150,000 liters of water per year!!!  Now that is WISE SPENDING of the national's budget that can surely ease water shortage and save millions.  ^_^

So, it's time to:

their Fan Page



Come and help me do this

pread the good news!  Let these
wesome and
nnovation from ARROW HOME IMPROVEMENT help everyone
urture and save our earth from Water Shortage by being an advocate of living in a
reener way!


Join the discussion by commenting on this post or by LIKING their fan page.

Now this is your chance to win too!!!

You have 2 options:
Join the blog contest: for a chance to win exciting prizes:-> (Until July 29, 12 noon)

Join the raffle contest: for a chance to win P1,500 worth Gift Certificate from Arrow Home 

For more products and information on ARROW HOME IMPROVEMENT Inc., visit:


  1. Waw! very informative! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. weeeeeeeh!
